Past Projects

HR Candidate Portal

An enterprise wide external facing candidate portal. Completely serverless utilizing React microfrontends, Fastify, Lambdas, GraphQL, Aurora, Splunk, and Playwright for e2e automation testing.

Payments Platform

Back-end distrbuted microservices. Features a multi tenant architecture that serves enterprise organizations. Utilizes Spring Framework, Kafka, Snowflake, Lambdas, Step Functions, DynamoDB, Postgres, Splunk, and Cucumber for e2e testing.

Machine Learning SAAS

A Browser application tailored towards everyday ML users. Users able to upload/manipulate data within the browser, then tune hyperparameters before training a Model. Afterwhich, users able to view report/scores, or inference/call model endpoint. React, Python, MongoDB, AWS Auth, Lambdas, EC2

Togo Menu Ordering

A React solo side project. Menu templating for easy onboarding. Utilizes Twilio Voice, Stripe payments, templated SES emails. Cost-efficient using S3 as a database, and on demand lambdas. hosted at